Automate your GitHub, pypi and conda releases

PyPI conda plattform

How to install

Via pip

pip install easyrelease

or via conda

conda install -c pablormira easyrelease

Packages vs Application

We conceptually differentiate between two kind of projects:

  • Packages: These are python projects you want to bundle for others to install via pip or conda
  • Applications: These are python projects without packaging purposes like a web application. You can still use this package for this kind of projects in order to automate your release workflow

How to use


After installation you need the fulfill the following prerequisites for the package to work:

Git project

You need to initialize a git project in your project root folder for this package to work, i.e. run in your command line

git init

GitHub credentials

You need to store your GitHub credentials (GitHub username and token) in your project root for automatic GitHub releases. The credentials should be stored in a file called .gh-credentials with the following contents:

gh_user = Your GitHub username
gh_token = Your GitHub token

Package structure

Only for python packages

For this package to work you need to comply to the following minimal project structure for python packages

|-- .git
|-- package_name
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- ...
|-- tests
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- ...

Pypi credentials

Only for python packages

To publish to Pypi you need to store your pypi credentials in a file with the name .pypi-credentials in your user root or project root directory. The file should include the following contents

username = Your Pypi username
password = Your Pypi password

Anaconda credentials

Only for python packages

To publish to Anaconda you need to store your anaconda credentials in a file with the name .anaconda-credentials in your user root or project root directory. The file should include the following contents

username = Your Anaconda username
password = Your Anaconda password


Only for Linux users and only in case of problems

In case of problems concerning permission errors building your package via build-conda-package you may need to add the following line to your ~/.bashrc

export CONDA_BLD_PATH=/tmp/conda-bld

Getting started

For applications

Only once:

  1. Fulfill the prerequisites
  2. Run easyrelease-init application
  3. Edit your in the previous step generated file settings.ini
  4. Edit your in the previous step generated file .gh-release-config.yaml

.gh-release-config.yaml sets the title and keyword that will be used to assign your commits to a certain section in your GitHub release notes and changelog. So if for example you want all commits to be in your release notes without keyword matching, you could modify .gh-release-config.yaml as

  - title: "### Commits:"
    keyword: ""

Each time you want to make a GitHub release:

  1. Run gh-release to make a GitHub release
  2. Run make-changelog to generate / update your CHANGELOG

For packages

Only once:

  1. Fulfill the prerequisites
  2. Run easyrelease-init application
  3. Edit your in the previous step generated file settings.ini
  4. Edit your in the previous step generated file .gh-release-config.yaml
  5. Run login-to-anaconda

Each time you want to release / publish your package:

  1. Run publish-pypi-package to publish to pypi
  2. Run update-meta-yaml to generate / update your meta.yaml under conda-bld
    • (Optionally recommended): Check your meta.yaml
  3. Run build-conda-package to build your conda package
  4. Run upload-conda-package to publish your conda package
  5. Run gh-release to make a GitHub release
  6. Run make-changelog to generate / update your CHANGELOG


We version our package via semantic versioning, i.e.,

  • We use three digits separated by points x1.x2.x3, e.g. 0.5.1
  • We increase x1 (the major version) if we introduce breaking changes
    • Exception: Versions with 0 at the beginning (e.g. 0.5.1) mean that the package is not stable yet and therefore every new feature could be a breaking change
  • We increase x2 (the minor version) if we introduce a new feature
  • We increase x3 (the patch version) if we fix a bug

New documentation, refactoring / maintenance of code and admin tasks do not change the versions.

You can follow the changes introduced by each version in our CHANGELOG

Differences to fastrelease

This package was inspired by the fastrelease package but it differs from it in the way it generates the release notes.

easyrelease generates the release notes out of the commit messages whereas fastrelease generates the release notes out of GitHub issues.

This package was also motivated by the fact that fastrelease did not work for me out of the box in my first attempt and I really liked the idea of automating releases and package publishing.

Compatibility with nbdev

This package was developed and is compatible with the nbdev framework but it also works for ordinary project development without notebooks.

In the case you want to develop your project with nbdev you need to first initialize your project via nbdev and afterwards run easyrelease-init. This is because the settings.ini we initialize for your project is a proper / strict subset of the settings.ini from nbdev